| 2018 | Eison Triple Thread Doubles Down on Personalization Via Spotify |
| 2018 | Eison Triple Thread reimagines suit-making with music and artificial intelligence |
| 2018 | This Menswear Startup Is Styling Its Customers Based on Their Spotify Playlists |
| 2018 |
This Menswear Startup Will Recommend Clothes Based on Your Spotify Data |
| 2018 | Eison is betting Spotify playlist can predict personal styles |
| 2018 | I'm with the band: do you dress according to the music you listen to? |
| 2018 | Menswear Startup Recommends Clothes Based On Your Spotify Data |
| 2018 | Every businessman needs a tailored suit. |
| 2018 | The 10 Trends That Will Shape Retail in 2019 |